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  Comparison # 1536 
Camera ISO Comparison

Sony RX100 mk2 vs. Sony NEX-6

ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600
Comparison by Sinan Ozturk   
Sony RX100 make 2 (with 1 inch BSI CMOS sensor) has base ISO of 160. Sony NEX-6 (with APS-C sensor) starts from ISO 100. So first comparison is with their base ISO and between 160 against 100.

In the next comparisons ISOs are same except for the last one. Sony RX100 mk2 goes up to ISO 12800 but NEX-6 can climb to 25600 so this is what compared in the last one.
            [Review by Sinan Ozturk]
  Comparison Photo # 1  
Photo_3183Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3191 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 4/5 160 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/2100 50mm.  
Photo by Sinan Ozturk  Photo by Sinan Ozturk 
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 49
6% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 163
(Almost Same)
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 75
7% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 87
(Almost Same)
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 49
6% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 72
(Almost Same)
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 98
9% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 160
Brightness 86
10% Brighter
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 34
6% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 157
(Almost Same)
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 57
7% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 76
(Almost Same)
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 33
6% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 65
(Almost Same)
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 74
9% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 100
Brightness 60
10% Darker
Black & White crops are displayed for better details study.
Click here to switch back to colored crops.
  Comparison Photo # 2  
Photo_3184Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3192 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 10/16 200 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/4200 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 50
7% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 159
8% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 77
8% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 86
7% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 51
8% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 68
5% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 91
10% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 200
Brightness 89
13% Brighter
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 32
7% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 138
8% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 55
8% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 68
7% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 31
8% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 57
5% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 66
10% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 200
Brightness 57
13% Darker
Black & White crops are displayed for better details study.
Click here to switch back to colored crops.
  Comparison Photo # 3  
Photo_3185Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3193 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 1/3 400 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/8400 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 50
7% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 159
(Almost Same)
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 77
8% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 87
5% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 51
7% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 69
(Almost Same)
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 88
7% Brighter
Sony RX100 mk2
ISO 400
Brightness 90
12% Brighter
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 33
7% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 148
(Almost Same)
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 55
8% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 73
5% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 32
7% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 63
(Almost Same)
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 71
7% Darker
Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
ISO 400
Brightness 58
12% Darker
Black & White crops are displayed for better details study.
Click here to switch back to colored crops.
  Comparison Photo # 4  
Photo_3186Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3194 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 1/6 800 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/15800 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Login or Register to display 8 crops from Sony RX100 mk2 ISO 800 vs. Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS ISO 800 for locations Blacks, Whites, Details1, Colors, Details2, Lines, Reflection, Details3
  Comparison Photo # 5  
Photo_3187Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3195 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 1/13 1600 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/301600 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Login or Register to display 8 crops from Sony RX100 mk2 ISO 1600 vs. Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS ISO 1600 for locations Blacks, Whites, Details1, Colors, Details2, Lines, Reflection, Details3
  Comparison Photo # 6  
Photo_3188Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3196 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 1/25 3200 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/603200 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Login or Register to display 8 crops from Sony RX100 mk2 ISO 3200 vs. Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS ISO 3200 for locations Blacks, Whites, Details1, Colors, Details2, Lines, Reflection, Details3
  Comparison Photo # 7  
Photo_3189Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3197 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 1/50 6400 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/1256400 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Login or Register to display 8 crops from Sony RX100 mk2 ISO 6400 vs. Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS ISO 6400 for locations Blacks, Whites, Details1, Colors, Details2, Lines, Reflection, Details3
  Comparison Photo # 8  
Photo_3190Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3198 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 1/100 12800 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/25012800 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Login or Register to display 8 crops from Sony RX100 mk2 ISO 12800 vs. Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS ISO 12800 for locations Blacks, Whites, Details1, Colors, Details2, Lines, Reflection, Details3
  Comparison Photo # 9  
Photo_3190Sony RX100 mk2  
Photo_3199 Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS
F6.3 1/100 12800 29mm.    
  F6.3 1/50025600 50mm.  
100% (1:1) Crop Samples
Login or Register to display 8 crops from Sony RX100 mk2 ISO 12800 vs. Sony NEX-6 + Sony SEL PZ 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS ISO 25600 for locations Blacks, Whites, Details1, Colors, Details2, Lines, Reflection, Details3
Custom Comparison
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  Other Comparisons of Sony RX100 mk2  
Sony RX100 mk2 vs. Sony A99
ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800
Sony RX100 mk2 vs. Sony A7R
ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800
Sony RX100 mk2 vs. Nikon D750
ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800
Sony RX100 mk2 ISO Test
Tested ISOs: ISO160, ISO200, ISO400, ISO800, ISO1600, ISO3200, ISO6400, ISO12800
Sony A7R (+ Minolta 50mm F1.4 Lens) vs. Sony Rx100 mk2 Video Comparison
at 50mm.
Sony mirrorless full frame A7R vs. compact Sony RX100 make 2 video comparison
Sony RX100 mk2 vs. Sony A99
ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 10000, 12800, 16000,25600
Sony A7R vs. Sony RX100 mk2
ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600
Sony RX100m2 vs. Sony A7R Video Comparison
at 50mm.
Simultaneous video shot at 50mm.
Sony Alpha A99 (+ Minolta 50mm Lens) vs. Sony RX100 mk2 Video Comparison
at 50mm.
Simultaneous video shot at 50mm.
Nikon P300 vs. Sony RX100 mk2
at 18-50mm.
Sony A7 vs. Sony RX100 mk2
Sony Rx100 Mk2's Lens Distortion Test
Distortion at 10mm.
Sony RX100 mk2 Multiframe Noise Reduction Test
at 24mm.
Normal ISO1600 vs. Multiframe Noise Reduction ISO 1600
Sony Rx100 Mk2 vs. Sony A99
ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800
Sony Rx100 Mk2 vs. Sony A35
ISO Test: ISO 100/160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800
Sony Rx100 Mk2 vs. Sony A55
ISO Test: ISO 160, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800
Sony Rx100 Mk2 vs. Sony A99
ISO Test: ISO 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400
Sony Rx100 Mk2 vs. Sony A99
at 18mm.
Nightshot video
Sony Rx100 Mk2 vs. Sony A99
at 24mm.
Landscape daylight shot
  Other Comparisons of Sony NEX-6  
Sony NEX-6 ISO Test
Tested ISOs: ISO100, ISO200, ISO400, ISO800, ISO1600, ISO3200, ISO6400, ISO12800, ISO25600
Sony NEX-6 vs. Sony A55
ISO Test: ISO 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 10000, 12800, 16000,25600
Samsung NX300 vs. Sony NEX-6
ISO Test: ISO 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 10000, 12800, 16000,25600
Sony NEX-6 vs. Sony A55
at 18mm.
Wide Angle - Low light shot - F13 - lowest ISO - Exposure +2/3
Samsung NX300 vs. Sony NEX-6
at 18mm.
Wide Angle - Low light shot - F13 - lowest ISO - Exposure +2/3
Sony A55 vs. Sony NEX-6
at 18mm.
Wide Angle - Low light shot - F11 - lowest ISO
Samsung NX300 vs. Sony NEX-6
at 18mm.
Wide Angle - Low light shot - F11 - lowest ISO
Sony NEX 6 Video of all camera menu options in depth
Sony NEX-6 vs. Sony A55
at 24mm.
Landscape shot on Tripod, F4.5 and F8
Sony NEX-6 vs. Samsung NX300
at 24mm.
Landscape shot on Tripod, F4.5 and F8
Sony A55 vs. Sony NEX-6
at 16-17mm.
Auto WB, Auto ISO, Vivid Mode, Handheld shot
Sony NEX-6 vs. Samsung NX300
at 16-18mm.
Auto WB, Auto ISO, Vivid Mode, Handheld shot
Sony NEX-6 vs. Nikon P300
at 16mm.
Auto WB, Auto ISO, Handheld shot
Samsung NX 300 (+ 18-55 F/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens) vs. Sony NEX 6 (+SEL 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 Lens) Video Comparison
at 18mm.
Same video shot with both Samsung NX300 and Sony Nex 6
Sony NEX 6 (+ Sony E 16-50 F/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens) vs. Sony A55 (+Tamron 17-50 2.8 Lens) Video Comparison
at 17mm.
Sony NEX vs. Sony Alpha SLT video comparison
Sony NEX-6 vs. Sony A55